

Creating a better and brighter future requires creating a future worth celebrating. So, what is it that gets in the way of your celebrating every moment?

When we celebrate something, we honor it and praise it. We acknowledge how wonderful, meaningful, and valuable it is to us, no matter whether it’s a holiday, an event, a person, or anything else.

Celebration is justification for appreciation.

The last time you were celebrated, how did it feel to be appreciated, acknowledged, valued, honored, and praised? The last time you celebrated someone else, how did it feel for you to appreciate, acknowledge, value, honor, and praise them?

As human beings, we thrive both by celebrating and being celebrated. So, to create a better and brighter future, it’s time to start celebrating!

When we fail to acknowledge, value, honor, and praise someone or something, we imply that that person or thing is not worth celebrating. Yet, there is always plenty to celebrate. At the very least, you can always celebrate life itself. When considering the myriad of amazing things that life has to offer you in every moment, it is clear that life is a gift worth celebrating!

What most distinguishes celebration from mere appreciation is that celebration is public and transparent. To celebrate is to act externally, to provide evidence of your feelings through your actions. Celebrations provide opportunities for people to come together in joy and appreciation. And, a better and brighter future is a future filled with joy and appreciation.

Celebrations are opportunities for people to not only appreciate but also to share and care, each one an important step towards creating a better and brighter future. Also, celebrations are generally fun and delightful experiences, the kind that people naturally enjoy being a part of.

To practice celebrating, pick something that you like, something that you feel neutral towards, and something that you dislike. Then, practice publicly acknowledging, honoring, and praising whatever aspects of each thing are worth celebrating. Look for aspects of each thing that you might not have noticed or given much attention to otherwise. The more you look for things to celebrate, the more things you’ll discover to be worth celebrating!

Before continuing on to Step 9 of this series, take time now and throughout the day to practice celebrating more. Practice celebrating the people in your life. Even if it seems silly at first, go ahead and celebrate them anyway. After all, celebrations are fun! So, have fun with it and celebrate as you create a better and brighter future together.

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