
Don't wait for perfection; take action in the present.

Perfection is an idea, an idea of what could be or should be. As an idea, perfection is useful as a goal to achieve, something to move and take action towards. Yet, you can’t take action in the past, since the past is already gone. Nor can you take action in the future, since the future isn’t here yet. In reality, you can only take action in the present, in the moment that you are in.

When we wait for perfection, we make our lives conditional on circumstances arising as we think they could be or should be. Because power resides in our actions rather than our ideas, waiting for perfection is a way that we disempower ourselves by avoiding taking action.

Since we cannot be responsible for actions that we don’t take, waiting for perfection is a way to avoid being responsible for circumstances not being as we think they could be or should be. Instead, embrace your power and responsibility, both to shape your ideas and to affect your circumstances.

Allow the love in your heart to be the basis of perfection in your mind, taking action towards it in each present moment.

Continue to Reflection 2
Don't wait for perfection; take action in the present.

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