
Being in love with yourself makes no demands and accepts fully.

When you are in love with someone, you are in a state of adoration, a state of joyful admiration. It is a pleasure to be with them, to see them, to hold them... just as they are.

When you truly love yourself, when you love yourself so much that you adore who you are just as much as you would adore anyone else, it is a pleasure to be with yourself, to see yourself, to hold yourself… just as you are.

Being in love with yourself is not narcissistic — because narcissism is not about love; it’s about overly inflated self judgment. Being in love with yourself does not deny your flaws, it accepts them. Being in love with yourself does not demand that you be any different than you are — while still acknowledging potential for growth and improvement.

There is nothing wrong with loving yourself. There is nothing wrong with being in love with yourself.

Do you know what it feels like to be left unloved? Do you know what it feels like when someone whom you love desires not to be with you, not to see you, not to hold you? If so, why do that to yourself?

You deserve to be loved the same way that a child deserves to be loved, unconditionally. So, give yourself that unconditional love. Be in love with the beautifully flawed person you are — and share your heart’s adoration with the world.

Continue to Reflection 3
Being in love with yourself makes no demands and accepts fully.

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